Abou​t Personal Trainer Aylia Fox
(see pics)
Abou​t Personal Trainer Aylia Fox
(see pics)
Following a 20 year career as a newspaper and TV journalist, I decided to turn my personal passion for health and fitness into a profession.
I now get a huge amount of satisfaction from helping people transform their lives by changing the way they exercise, eat and think.
My clients range from the well known and professional athletes to city workers, students, stay-at-home mums and people recovering from illness or injury.
I worked as a fitness instructor in gyms for a short time but became disillusioned with the laissez-faire attitude of the well known clubs who seemed to care more about profit than people and professionalism.
So I left. Some of the equally disillusioned customers followed and FoxFitness was born.
My expertise includes:
My expertise includes:
* General fitness
* Weight loss/fat loss
* Cardio fitness
* Strength and endurance training
* Body conditioning
* Body sculpting/toning
* Core and abs
* Functional training
* Injury rehabilitation
* Nutritional advice
* Flexibility and balance
* Sports-specific training
* Mindfulness techniques
I believe the following:
I believe the following:
1. Health and fitness should be part of your life; it should not take over your life.
2. You get out of something what you put into it.
3. A fit and healthy body stimulates a fit and healthy mind.
4. Exercise need not be a chore. It can be something you enjoy.
5. Exercise is often tough. It's meant to be, but the sense of achievement afterwards more than makes up for it.
6. The only bad workout is the one you don't do!
7. Take advice but adapt it to suit your needs.
8. You cannot 'out-exercise' a bad diet, so eat well AND exercise.
9. There are no 'good' or 'bad' foods - just foods that affect you differently.
10. Be kind to yourself. If you need a day off from exercise and healthy eating, take a day off.
F​ or more details and to book your FREE consultation and half price introductory session, contact Aylia Fox on: